Now there's something that is true for every company, even Apple, every company you can think of, when they make a decision, follow the money! Do you honestly believe that Steve Jobs "concerns" are true? There's a lot of made up excuses out there, that he won't allow flash on the Iphone/Ipad/Ipod Touch because it will somehow take up more power, wich isn't that true, with the right optimisations there should be no problem there, most other phones can without loosing a lot of battery over it, I've read two opinions on this that I found to probably be more correct than the other bs, btw quickly the dumbest I've heard is that Steve Jobs is angry with Adobe for focusing on windows or whatever, I'll maybe get back to that.
No the two most accurate ideas I've heard is that Apple as a company doesn't want Flash applications to compete with the App Store, wich makes pretty perfect sense to me, there's a lot of apps on the Iphone that could easily be replaced by a web based Flash, you kind of see why they would do it, especially if you see it from a financial perspective, It does seem odd especially now with the Ipad that is suppose to be the internet machine, and with Flash being a pretty big part of the internet I think they will eventually give that up.
The other reason I was surprised to read and I never thought about, A lot of the flash you see around the web is Flash based, and appearently Apple have their own iAd wich will now have room to shine.
Now both of these ideas are somewhat stupid and even unethical, but the worst was definitely the decision to dictate what code languages they will accept onto their App store, Now if you thought Microsoft was bastards for theire ways of doing things, even they aren't that bad, like Microsoft aren't big on Open source, but they still allow development for games using OpenGL(An open source competitor to Microsofts DirectX) They will sometimes be a little slow with implementing it, but they won't tell you: No! you can't run Quake Wars on this OS. that would be madness, and yet that's exactly what Apple is trying to do, I'm not sure if I belive the idea that it's about Adobe this time, more of Apple trying to control their own market more.
I just realized writing this, if they are able to pull this one off they essentially dictate the terms they can work under, they Won't lazy work, and they will "fire" you from the App store if you don't follow their rules, what you realize after a while is, if they can pull this off they practially have developers hired to do work for Apple without Apple paying the developers to work, now I'm pretty sure Apple doesn't require developers to work every day and so on, but it's still getting people to sell your product, does anyone know who made that voice rapping thing program for the Iphone? Nope, but we all know it comes for the Iphone.
I think the whole, Steve Jobs doesn't like them! thing is old and over, and more a cover, remember Steve Jobs was fired as the CEO before they hired him again, now I don't know exactly what the reasons were back then but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't re-hire him to let him act like a child. The issues are always concerning competition or something else, and I find that much more likely to being the motivation rather than Steve Job's personal feelings towards the CEO of another company. Like the whole google thing, the Android is becoming a real competitor to the Iphone, or rather Android based smartphones, So yeah don't belive the drama, because that's all it is, these people only see money.
Randomly signing out.
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